This is just another example of how we are in fact ISOLATIONISTS. We know better than anyone about everything. We don't need no lousy allies.
We go our way all alone positive that it is the only way the best way the way of all winners and superiors.
Unique in the degree of DUMB as exemplified by Dumb don. How proud y'all must be of how dumb don has handled this "fake news Democrat plot" so-called pandemic. Fake news. Nothing at all here. Just meant to make the stockmarket crash to undermine the re-election of the king of dumb. We the Dems are pretty strong and powerful to have done that don'tcha think? Be afraid. Be VERY AFRAID. Beside the fake news trumpvirus we will overwhelm you with more gawdawful. Stay tuned. Coming to your neighborhood soon. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. What could it hurt?