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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » D'ya think dumb don understands how serious this is? He asked for $2.5 billion. Congress wants to give him $8.5 billion. Guess what he said?

D'ya think dumb don understands how serious this is? He asked for $2.5 billion. Congress wants to give him $8.5 billion. Guess what he said?

"We will take whatever congress wants to give".

No lying no denying no blaming Dems for a fake phony bogus issue manufactured to take him down and out? The worm turned? TRUTH MATTERS?

We'll see what happens. It will take a short period of time. Everything is under control. We are very very very prepared. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.

Dumb don and the peeps believe this is hugely ALARMIST and wants all of it to just go away. Let us revisit him in one month six months and see how trivial and fake alarmist it really is. Shall we?

Posted - February 27, 2020
