Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The only way dumb don can CONTROL all the information about the Coronavirus is to SHUT DOWN ALL information sites on the net. Will he?

The only way dumb don can CONTROL all the information about the Coronavirus is to SHUT DOWN ALL information sites on the net. Will he?

The dumb of don is SO PARANOID and PETRIFIED he does not want we the people to have any access to scientific information so how does he STOP ALL OF IT?

Shut down all sources. How else? Shut down all publications all radio broadcasts all TV shows. Except FAUX news of course which will always be the source of his sh** 24/7.

We will be in a complete NEWS BLACKOUT. All we will get will be the empty suit veep in his most platitudinous mode telling us what is going on.

Now of course y'all will believe every word of it. You always do. I would say y'all are stupid dumb but to be charitable I will replace stupid dumb with naive and ingenuous. Same thing only kinder softer.

Congrats to all of you for sticking by your man. Ain't he grand? See what he will do futurely. This is just the tip of his iceberg.

Posted - February 28, 2020
