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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sage advice? "Wait for all the facts to come in before you say anything about anything". What's the fly in THAT ointment?

Sage advice? "Wait for all the facts to come in before you say anything about anything". What's the fly in THAT ointment?

The FACTS are being stopped dead in their tracks. The dumb of don has put a bottleneck in the way named mikepounce. Only mikepounce may speak about the Coronavirus. All information dissemination will be funneled through him. One spokesmouth scripted by the dumb of don to put liptstick on the pig.

So waiting for FACTS that will never arrive you want we should just shut up stifle it and wait for Godot?

Is that YOUR MO? Is that what YOU recommend? Silence shutting up saying nothing as you are waiting? Sheesh. I think NOT.

Posted - February 28, 2020
