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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Fuggeddabboutit! When a crisis hits play golf, attend a HATE rally or a fundraiser. A miracle will make it disappear! See?

Fuggeddabboutit! When a crisis hits play golf, attend a HATE rally or a fundraiser. A miracle will make it disappear! See?

Y'all feel all better now don'tcha? Celebrate as if there is nothing wrong and there will be nothing wrong because you are celebrating it.

Oh that makes no sense to you? Get on board the bandwaggon bucko! It had better make sense to you or you will be targeted for elimination one way or the other.

Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. The powers that be are wise extremely stable geniuses and so therefore to whit they are brilliantly doing everything they should and so don't worry your pretty little heads. You are in good hands. Nothing will go wrong. Let the "leaders" do all the thinking and worrying for you. All you have to do is sit, lie down, roll over and beg just exactly as you always do.

Carry on.

Posted - February 29, 2020


  • 34987
    We are not in a crisis. 
    It is flu season.
    Take the same precautions you take for it every year.

    Use germx.
    Wash your hands. And make sure you completely dry them...wet hands are worse than unwashed.  
    Do not touch your face.
    Do not touch people.
    Avoid public restrooms if possible.
    Do not touch door knobs in public restrooms. (Use a paper towel)
    If sick stay home.
    Cough into elbow. This post was edited by my2cents at February 29, 2020 6:32 AM MST
      February 29, 2020 6:29 AM MST