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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly dumb don URGES south carolina republicans to vote for bernie sanders. A fine endorsement for bernie ain't it?

Allegedly dumb don URGES south carolina republicans to vote for bernie sanders. A fine endorsement for bernie ain't it?

How many adoring worshippers will do what dumb don tells them to do and CHEAT and LIE to subvert the election process?

Anything dumb don wants, right? Including shredding any integrity any dumb don supporter may have left which is questionably dubious.

Ya think thousands will follow dumb don's command and vote for Bernie or HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS?

Then BERNIE will overwhelmingly FAKE "beat" Joe Biden whom dumb don is terrified of facing obviously or he wouldn't be exhorting his adoring worshippers to lie and cheat and subvert and SABOTAGE an election would he?
If he thought he could beat Joe or any of the others why would he continue to order his toady sycophant adoring worshippers to vote for Bernie? Think about it. He believes bernie is unelectable and the most beatable or he wouldn't be out there constantly defending him would he? Of course not.

Posted - February 29, 2020
