Out of one side of his mouth at his hate rally in south carolina he referred to the Coronavirus as A HOAX.
As such there would be no need for him to stop traveling or shaking hands if hoax indeed it be. He should make a special to China and Itarly and Iraq where the fake hoaxy outbreaks are being touted as the most high to prove to his peeps how hoaxy all of this is. Another Dem attempt
to take him down.
From the other side of his mouth he stands behind Dr. Fauci looking very stern very grim very serious listening to the ACTUAL TRUTH. Now an aside. He is ALLOWING DR. FAUCI to speak. Why? Dr. Fauci is a scientific expert who is very knowledgeable about WHAT IS GOING ON and WHAT TO EXPECT. The dumb of don ALWAYS silences such people. Fires them. Forbids them to speak. What changed?