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All dumb don needs today is for the stock market to SHOOT UP 4000 POINTS! Think it will?

Posted - March 2, 2020


  • 10782
    And the don said, "let the stock market rise and flourish".  And it was so.
    Then the don said, "let the Coronavirus abate and vanish from the land".  And it did.
    And the don looked around and said, "Because I am so great, let the citizens of my land keep me as their president for 4 more years.  And behold, they elected Bernie Sanders instead. 
    And the don grew angry.  "Ninnies, all of you!  You'll be sorry, just you wait and see!"
      March 2, 2020 12:57 PM MST

  • 113301
    You know Shuhak I will never understand the stock market. I don't know what it was at the close of yesterday but it was UP HUNDREDS OF POINTS the last I checked. BASED ON WHAT? Where's the good news? More people are infected more deaths occurred and Dr. Anthony Fauci said it is now a PANDEMIC outbreak. Antidotes are over a year away. We learned that masks do not help us they harm us. What am I missing? Do you get what's going on? If so please share it with us. Thank you for your excellent poetic Biblical reply and Happy Tuesday. I'm pretty sure GOD understands sarcasm. Sad thing is you nailed it exactly in terms of how dumb don sees himself. I just checked and it shot up over 1200 points! WHY? Because GOD er uh dumb don said so and so it was? This post was edited by RosieG at March 3, 2020 9:56 AM MST
      March 3, 2020 1:46 AM MST

  • 10782
    The stock market is much like a craps game.  Each player places chips (stocks) on the table behind what they think will be the winning roll.  The dice are tossed and the game is afoot.   Of course no one really knows how the dice will land, so they speculate.  For example, the shooter is left handed, therefore the odds are better on "such-and-such".  (Company "X" is having a record sales year, therefore the odds are good its a winner.)  As the game goes on, players see which other player is having good luck and which aren't.  Of course they're going to bet with the winners; after all, the goal is to make money - lots of money!  There's no real of knowing how the dice will fall.  Sometimes a "proven winner" will crap out.  

    Now the chips used in this game never stay at the same value.  They're always in constant flux.  If one paid $10 for a chip when they got into the game and it falls to $8, they lost money.  Many will try to sell these chips to other players.  Some will keep them, gambling that they will raise in value.   A fire in an oil refinery may make a "chip" from the company lose value (no oil flow, reduced income, chip is lower in value).  While a new oil strike may make that chip raise in value (more oil, more sales, more income).
      March 3, 2020 10:41 AM MST

  • 113301
    Very helpful analogy for me for which I thank you. My reaction? GOOD GRIEF! Who in his/her right mind likes that kinda life? Big rewards for gamblers definitely. Big losses too. I don't gamble at that level. I appreciate that you can figger out a way to explain it so I can grasp it. No big fancy dancy in-the-know words. Just make it simple. I think the market dropped again yesterday about 800 points? What's it gonna do today? Who knows?  AARRGGHH! :)
      March 4, 2020 5:27 AM MST