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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TWO WACKADOODLES! Jeff Sessions in a bid for a Senate Seat is kissing the corpulent a** of dumb don. Dumb don?

TWO WACKADOODLES! Jeff Sessions in a bid for a Senate Seat is kissing the corpulent a** of dumb don. Dumb don?

The revengeful elephantman dumb don who still can't forgive Jeff for not recusing himself is doing all he can to squelch shoot down any hope that Jeff has of winning.

A** kissing extraordinaire jeff sessions kissinga** shamelessly

The dumb of don insulting stepping on and crapping on jeff

And so it goes in dumb don land. Dumb don craps over everyone and most of them thank him for it, roll over and beg for more. Go figger. You'd think Jeff would have a little pride. You'd think wrong. And you know what? Jeff's humiliation vilification at the short stubby hands of dumb don will never end. Even when Jeff is dead.

Does John McCain ring a bell? The dumb of don HATES as loudly now as he did when McCain was alive. As long  as fata** dumb don lives he will vilify Jeff. Maybe even from the grave. Who knows how crafty clever dumb don will be even in death? THE SHADOW DO.

Posted - March 4, 2020
