Use him as an example of what will happen to you if you don't toe the line exactly as dumb don DEMANDS 24/7. If you dare go independent on dumb don for even a moment and make a decision of which he disapproves HE WILL TURN ON YOU AND HE WILL CRUCIFY YOU. It is happening right now and perhaps you are a masochist punching bag/scapegoat as Jeff has allowed himself to become. Perhaps you admire Jeff for shaking off the one decision he made independent of the dumb don's demands and has rolled over and whimpered and salivated and lay spread eagle on the floor and begged to get back in dumb don's good graces. To no avail. You disobey the command of the dumb of don and he will never forgive you forever. He is a not a man who will dispense mercy. He will not hold out a hand to a drowning man. He will STEP ON IT and CRUSH IT and GRIND IT UNDER HIS HEEL bringing the entire weight of his 400 lbs to bear.
Just a friendly warning. It can happen to you too. Don't think it can't.