Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Allegedly the US spends far more money per patient on health care than any other country and the system is VERY INEFFICIENt? If so WHY?
Allegedly the US spends far more money per patient on health care than any other country and the system is VERY INEFFICIENt? If so WHY?
Are we more stupid more ignorant more greedy more selfish more heartless more soulless more everything that sucks bigly than the other so-called "civilized" countries? Our lacks/inadequacies loom large. Why?
Insurance companies want lots of money so they charge more and cover less. Pharmaceutical companies want lots of money so they just charge more (after all, a patient has to have their product so they'll pay anything for it). Doctors need more money in order to comply with the rules and regulations the insurance companies impose on them and still make enough to live. To make enough to survive, many doctors branch out into specified fields. Upper Management of insurance and pharmaceutical companies make billions in salary and millions in bonuses. Doctors struggle to survive. So who pays for all this... the patient. The More these giants makle, the less money there is for everyone else (there's only a finite amount of money in the world).
Pharmaceutical companies advertise their products everywhere (even though one must have a prescription to get them). They feed off the insecurity of people ("that sounds like what I have' better get my doctor to prescribe it to me"). To pay for these (unnecessary ads) they jack up their prices. Insurance companies are forced to raise their rates as well (to cover the pharm hike).
Greed. Pure and simple. We spend the money to fuel this greed but get less and less for our dollar. They get richer, and everyone else suffers for it.
I conclude that the USA is the greediest money-hungry hoor country in the world then. Would that be a logical conclusion? Every aspect of America shouts GREED IS GOOD. Of course I shall have to ask. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply to my question Shuhak. Here we go! :)