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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "I don't believe anything the Democrats say". Said by a dumb don adoring worshipper. Guess what else she said?

"I don't believe anything the Democrats say". Said by a dumb don adoring worshipper. Guess what else she said?

The corona virus is a hoax. The death count isn't true. The scienctists who have stated what is going on are all lying and part of the hoax.

Multiply that "mental gymnastics" by millions of people...all the adoring worshippers...and do you see the magnitude of the problem?

These folks ONLY BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO BELIEVE BY DUMB DON. Nothing will convince them otherwise. Not statistics or death counts or test kits or confirmed cases. Here there everywhere. A worldwide global hoax.

Kinda scary don'tcha think? Many of these people may have it and go out and about and INFECT US with their abject dumb don ignorance. I'm just sayin' this is when death comes as a result of having a liar in whom people believe completely. Condolences. Good luck.

Posted - March 7, 2020
