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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The state of Washington has suffered the most deaths so far from COVID 19. Know what dumb don did?

The state of Washington has suffered the most deaths so far from COVID 19. Know what dumb don did?

Rather than extending any sympathy he called the Governor "A SNAKE".

Typical dumb don..hits ya when you're already down.

I know y'all have never been prouder of dumb don than you are right now during this massive jokesy folksy hoax. He is standing his ground taking on all comers using every avenue he can to congratulate himself for his brilliance..asks about his ratings..promote faux news..wears a campaign hat...brags on his MIT super genius uncle..says the scientists don't understand how he knows so much about so much.

Now that shows how much HEART he has doesn't it? The merciful son of a bi**h is the bestest thing since sliced WHITE bread isn't he?

Posted - March 9, 2020
