Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Will they still insist COVID 19 is a dam* DEM hoax when THEIR OLD FOLKS contract the virus and some of them die?

Will they still insist COVID 19 is a dam* DEM hoax when THEIR OLD FOLKS contract the virus and some of them die?

What will they do when reality bites them in the a** and they start to bleed from it?

Stay tuned. We'll find out in "a certain period of time". keep the faith baby. It's all a terrible conspiracy to take dumb don down and out. Y'all believe that with all your "heart" and "soul" don'tcha? Of course you do because dat be when dumb don insist you do. Good liddle obedient boils and goils. Who luves ya baby? Why da dumb don do.

Posted - March 10, 2020


  • 34979
    Again NO ONE says the virus itself is a hoax.  No ONE. 
      March 10, 2020 5:12 AM MDT