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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » After the HOAX telepromptered his gawd-awful speech he had to be corrected about a few things he lied about misstated GOT WRONG. ALARMING?

After the HOAX telepromptered his gawd-awful speech he had to be corrected about a few things he lied about misstated GOT WRONG. ALARMING?

The HOAX insists testing is going very well. The truth is that testing in the US STILL SUCKS. Doctors can't get tests to administer to their patients. Why? Who the he** knows? The HOAX gang KNEW about what was coming this way in December. They sat on their fat a** alternate reality schtick until more and more and more people got sick. Folks know they cannot trust a word the HOAX tells them.

While the HOAX IS LYING PEOPLE ARE DYING. He's gotten away with lying his entire life. It is unknown whether his lies cost any lives priorly. They have now. They do now. They are now. They will now. And he learns nothing from anything about anything and keeps lying and lying and lying and lying and lying. In a time of crisis he can't adjust. He makes things worse. He is a curse and an abomination and a tribulation. He is always the same liar he always was and always will be. One level one trick one schtick one goal. The HOAX is his only one and only and always will be through eternity. A stolid cold greedy money-hungry hoor who cares more about his popularity and polls and numbers than he does humanity.

Posted - March 13, 2020
