The HOAX and his loyal devoted cabal et al tell us that the world is fine and getting finer daily. That anyone who wants a test or needs a test can get a test. The HOAX keeps saying that while Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps contradicting him. Every day doctors are interviewed and the main problem for them is LACK OF ACCESS TO TESTS.
The mickeymousepounce tells us that all is well but only in fuzzy talk. No specific details at all. Just fuzzy happytalk. The HOAX talks happytalk and no one believes him. Why? Because reality shows us otherwise. His alternate reality world succors him and in his delusion he eithers knows he is lying or honestly thinks all is fine all is well and those who don't agree can go to he**! His supporters agree with the big he precisely. All can get tested. All is well. No problem here. Things are just fine and sublime and divine. SIGH.