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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » LACK OF TESTS is now the huge elephant in the room. Doctors all over the USA are complaining about it. The HOAX is unaware of it. Still?

LACK OF TESTS is now the huge elephant in the room. Doctors all over the USA are complaining about it. The HOAX is unaware of it. Still?

The HOAX and his loyal devoted cabal et al tell us that the world is fine and getting finer daily. That anyone who wants a test or needs a test can get a test. The HOAX keeps saying that while Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps contradicting him. Every day doctors are interviewed and the main problem for them is LACK OF ACCESS TO TESTS.

The mickeymousepounce tells us that all is well but only in fuzzy talk. No specific details at all. Just fuzzy happytalk. The HOAX talks happytalk and no one believes him. Why? Because reality shows us otherwise. His alternate reality world succors him and in his delusion he eithers knows he is lying or honestly thinks all is fine all is well and those who don't agree can go to he**! His supporters agree with the big he precisely. All can get tested. All is well. No problem here. Things are just fine and sublime and divine. SIGH.

Posted - March 13, 2020


  • 10778
    he doesn't care.  Everything that comes out of his mouth... uh... let me rephrase that... every word that comes out of his mouth is only meant to serve himself.  He says "all is well" because he thinks it makes him look good.  he lies because he thinks it makes him look good.  he won't listen to anyone else because he thinks he know everything.  he thinks he's an authority on everything, and if anyone actually does know more than he does (perish the thought), he contradicts them... (say it with me) ...  to make himself look good.   he even thinks he's a financial wizard; that he knows all there is to know about money and the economy.  Yet his track record states otherwise.  he thinks he can fix any problem, cure any disease, answer any question (correctly), and that he's the wisest person who ever walked the face of the earth.  his ego is the downfall of us all.
      March 13, 2020 10:06 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You know where you are most faulty m'dear? You insist on being TRUTHFUL and LOGICAL. We simply cannot have that. The HOAX will come after you so maybe you should tone it down a bit...qualify a bit. So the HOAX doesnt get in a bigly snit and target YOU too! Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak. The big dipstick is gonna declare a national emergency about the thing he has told us for months is a hoax? Can you believe it? Me too neither. The dumshit HOAX will never change and his adoring worshippers adore him for it. :(
      March 13, 2020 10:56 AM MDT