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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You have a right to LIE to sell your product. FAUX news has the right to lie to sell the HOAX. Do they cross the line if it causes deaths?

You have a right to LIE to sell your product. FAUX news has the right to lie to sell the HOAX. Do they cross the line if it causes deaths?

Or is that just part of their operating expense?

If Rupert Murdoch ORDERED all the spokesmouths on FAUX (whose sales pitches always talk up the HOAX) to TELL THE TRUTH OR THEY WOULD BE FIRED what would happen? Would the sean of hannity leave?

Imagine a FAUX news where only truth were heard 24/7? You can't do it can you?

How many lives would be saved if only truth were what you'd get when you tuned in to FAIX? That question is unanswerable. Why ask it? Why worry all those pretty little empty heads who all think what sean tells them to think every day in every way and they do? Upset the applecart with TRUTH? Surely Shirley you're joking!

Posted - March 13, 2020
