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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Blathering gibbiot HOAX is covering his corpulent A** again by talking about how President Obama handled SWINE FLU. WHY that?

Blathering gibbiot HOAX is covering his corpulent A** again by talking about how President Obama handled SWINE FLU. WHY that?

Because the dumba** moron jacka** idiot is always concerned about optics and his press coverage FIRST LAST AND ALWAYS and he is not going to take any responsibility for anything he is responsible for and so once again he distracts diverts points fingers. He is a coward a wuss a whinya** "victim" always and forever to eternity and beyond.

Cover your a** fata**. Cover your a**. Cover your A**. Most important thing you can do in the midst of this crisis is rationalize deny lie justify point fingers. You don't give a rat's a** about anything but yourself and your press and what people are saying about you. Selfish HOAX. Self-centered HOAX. The biggest dam* WHADDABOUT ever born. WHADDABOUT this? WHADDABOUT that? WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT. Very helpful and comforting HOAX. Spending so much time effort energy covering your fata**. Makes you feel a whole better right? Sheesh. Useless to us.

Posted - March 14, 2020


  • 10795
    He will never take blame or accept responsibility for anything.  he's too conceited to do that (conceit thy name is trump).  He will, however, take credit for any and everything that has a positive outcome or that brings him attention - even if he had nothing to do with it whatsoever.  And if he can't, he'll belittle it.

    The most important thing trump can do in a crisis is get as much limelight for himself as possible.  (of course, what he would consider a crisis would be if fox news misspelled his name).  he must make sure that in everything he is able to pat himself on the back.  Did you know it was he who made the earth revolve around the sun?  Yes, daylight was his idea.  But darkness is the fault of the democrats.  They always have to find a way to "rain on his parade".  
      March 14, 2020 12:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The last "press conference" COVID 19 update made me want to BARF. Every one of the toady sycophant minions on that stage kissed the HOAX a** verbally bigly oftenly. What a bunch of spokesmouths! SIGH. I wish they had spines and a scintilla of a conscious and the eager desire to tell it like it is but they don't. I don't care how science-based they are. This whole disaster was exacerbated for weeks by the HOAX and his sluffing it off as a democratic hoax to take him down. He RIDICULED it for WEEKS. COVID 19 arrived on our shores in JANUARY! HOAX and his addle-brained toady sycophants used precious time attacking insulting and by the time they finally realize THIS IS DEADLY SERIOUS it was too late. We STILL DON'T HAVE THE TEST KITS WE NEED despite the lies and glory words and happy talk. STILL! We are on track to be just like ITALY. Allegedly. We will see but HOAX is the fly in the ointment and no amount of a**kissing and toady sycophanting is gonna change that. Even Dr. Fauci is not putting the blame where it belongs. He has to cover the HOAX a** just like all the others. Very disappointing. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      March 15, 2020 2:17 AM MDT