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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Current stats as of 3/14/2020 at 12:02 am worldwide 148,652 CONFIRMED CASES and 5,547 DEAD. Dam* great HOAX ain't it?

Current stats as of 3/14/2020 at 12:02 am worldwide 148,652 CONFIRMED CASES and 5,547 DEAD. Dam* great HOAX ain't it?

3.7% mortality rate based on the stats above. Will change. Cases and deaths will rise higher and higher and higher. Unknown at this time how high. So the mortality rate may stay the same, go down or go up.

What's to worry? All of it is a hoax according to the HOAX who is now pretending he is concerned but we know better. The HOAX is just playing along with that hoax for whatever jokes he gets out of it folkes. He is after all a TV reality show fixture.

Posted - March 14, 2020
