The adoring worshippers who support defend embrace protect the HOAX speak a different language. They will never understand us and we will never understand them. That's all she wrote folks! That's the name of that tune. Period. End of story. HOAXERS who support the HOAX only speak HOAXESE. They do not speak rational reasonable sensible logical truth. They have no idea about any of it. They believe the only language there is is the one they speak. HOAXESE. It is emphasized by the sean of hannity and the rush of bimbah and all the others of their ilk. It is propagated promulgated emphasized secondly minutely hourly daily weeklymontyhlyyearly 24/7 by all of them. A tighter knit groups of HOAXERS you will never find. Never mind. They are very happy in their world and we should just stop trying to get them to enter our world. Save your energy. You're going to need it for far more important things than proselytizing converting flipping HOAXERS Everyone says so. That I can tell you.