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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » DJI closed down 1333.13 thus wiping all entirely whatever gains there were during the reign of the HOAX. How is he taking this?

DJI closed down 1333.13 thus wiping all entirely whatever gains there were during the reign of the HOAX. How is he taking this?

Is the market giving us a real time verdict on what HOAX is saying/doing or not saying/doing?


That's what investors want to get from the HOAX and that is exactly what they are NOT GETTING from the HOAX. Every day he goes through the same act...speak step back let professionals speak..speak answer questions but only of a generic general nature. NO SPECIFICS. NO TIMETABLE. NO DELIVERABLES. UNCERTAINTY.

Will the DJI dive again tomorrow or might it shoot up again 1000 pts and then dive again the following day and then have HOAX speak, step back, let professionals speak, speak answer questions in the abstract not the concrete?

Every day in every way he is doing the exact same thing in the exact same way as are all the others who stand behind obediently waiting to be asked to speak.

Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Fascinating ain't it?

Posted - March 18, 2020
