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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some baby birds are born featherless but develop them All birds have feathers. Any other animals but birds who do?

Some baby birds are born featherless but develop them All birds have feathers. Any other animals but birds who do?

What happens if a bird despises feathers and wants them removed so it can be free of them? Can a bird live featherfree featherless feather inadequate?

Does it take feathers to be able to fly or just wings?

If feathers go out of style will all bird have theirs removed?

Inquiring minds wanna know. Do birds follow trends or fashion? Do they have a passion to be ahead of others?

Do they vie for status notoriety fame? Would you want to be a bird? If so which one?

Posted - March 21, 2020


  • 34974
    Bats feathers. 

    Birds use feathers to keep dry, keep warm and cool, help swim, to draw attention both to and from them, and of course to fly etc..
      March 21, 2020 9:17 AM MDT