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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The buck always stops at the door of the White House, not the doors of 50 Governors. What happens when NO ONE IS HOME? WHEN NO ONE IS THERE?

The buck always stops at the door of the White House, not the doors of 50 Governors. What happens when NO ONE IS HOME? WHEN NO ONE IS THERE?

Posted - March 23, 2020


  • 6023
    ... depending on the issue.

    Like it or not, this is one area that the federal government has NO Constitutional authority.
    There is nothing in the Constitution authorizing a Federal health agency.
    Thus, under Article 10 ... that power is reserved for the States.

    Of course, that poor Article is ignored any time the Federal government wants more power.
    Which is why there ARE Federal agencies that are unConstitutional - such as Education and Health and Housing.
      March 23, 2020 7:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Under which authority does FEMA reside Walt? 50 individual Governors? Seriously. Seriously? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thy and thine. STAY SAFE.
      March 23, 2020 8:20 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Yep ... FEMA is unConstitutional, as well.

    The question is ... why doesn't Congress follow the Constitution and Amend it, to get these powers rather than illegally usurping them?
    And why didn't the Supreme Court reign them in, as soon as they created the agencies?

    Remember, if the Federal government can ignore the Constitution, so can everybody.
      March 23, 2020 8:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh c'mon! FROM DAY ONE THE HOAX IGNORED EVERYTHING 24/7 AND DEMANDED THAT HIS TOADY SYCOPHANTS IGNORE IT TOO WHICH THEY DID. What you ask is kinda like locking the barn door THREE PLUS YEARS after the horse left. The HOAX and his many minions and toady sycophants and adoring worshippers CHEER him every time he screws us. You know it and I know it. Don't give me this baloney malarkey! The HOAX orders his republican congress sh**s to ignore everything all the time and he knew he could get the senate republican sh**s to exonerate him. He orders and they come through OR ELSE. He also OWNS SCOTUS.  Walt get a grip and deal with REALITY! The time to ask those questions would have been in January 2017 when the MOMENT HE WAS SWORN IN he was in DEFAULT OF THE EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE? Where were you then? Kinda late isn't it to berate anyone for anything? Thank you for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at March 23, 2020 11:12 AM MDT
      March 23, 2020 11:09 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I'm pretty sure Trump isn't responsible for 99.99% of the unConstitutional Federal agencies.
    Most existed decades prior to his Presidency.
    And I've been saying so since studying Civics in Middle School (aka "Jr High").

    US Dept of Education was created in 1979. (split from Department of Health, Education, and Welfare)
    US Dept of Health originally created in 1939 ... under the name Federal Security Agency.
    US Bureau of Land Management was created in 1946.

      March 23, 2020 11:58 AM MDT