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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The HOAX is ANXIOUS TO RESTART THE ECONOMY. See how far out of touch with reality he is? How can it work?

The HOAX is ANXIOUS TO RESTART THE ECONOMY. See how far out of touch with reality he is? How can it work?

Ya got states in various stages of LOCKDOWN. You have NO IDEA how many people will be tested and found infected. You have no idea how many of them will die. You have no idea of how many health care workers will be sidelined due tp the disease.

But well he** what matters to the HOAX is the economy stupid because it is what he bases his value on. The sooner those numbers go way higher the sooner he can start breathing again.

With a bazillion people OUT OF WORK because business are closed and those still open (restaurants) doing TAKEOUT ONLY and gatherin together in any numbers is now illegal how does the HOAX get the economy started up with NO WORKERS NO JOBS NO MARKET? Anyone?

The lamebrain dumbhead clearly has no grasp of how an economy works. Congrats to y'all for electing a clueless dumbbell. Good job.

Posted - March 23, 2020


  • 10778
    I hate to admit it, but he does have a point.  We need the economy to keep working. Whether we like it or not, the reality of things is that our economy is going down the toilet.  The harsh reality of things is that millions of people are going to be homeless (cant pay rent).  Millions are going to starve (can afford to buy food).  Crime will skyrocket as people do whatever they can to survive.  No, not something in the future, but in the coming WEEKS (April, May and June of THIS Year).  Many people's savings either will or are already starting to dry up.  No stock market comeback of any proportion will fix that.  
    You're right, while in lockdown few can work (kind of the idea)... and this lockdown may last for several months, and in many states.  Tossing a one-time meager check to half the people the country won't do much but delay the inevitable.  We're going to have to somehow shift away from a "me, me" economy (at least for awhile).  Not easy.  Not cheap.  Not profitable.  (what?  less profits?  How will CEO's survive?)  Unfortunately, our 'moron in chief' has no clue how to do this.  He's still stuck in the past.
      March 23, 2020 12:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Our Guv has locked down our state Shuhak. Can the federal gubment OVERRIDE that and force a restart? I just don't see HOW it can work. I keep trying different scenarios in my head but I am getting nowhere. So say things can get started again the disease will spread more quickly more easily and folks who wouldn't have been infected will be. Even in theory it doesn't compute. Practice is even worse. I guess we will see cuz the HOAX said in 15 days we will decide which way we are going to go. How? Thank you for your thoughtful analysis. We go to Walmart this morning...they have 6am-7am for seniors so we'll see how it compares to Winco. You're doing okay right? Happy Tuesday. STAY SAFE! :)
      March 24, 2020 1:23 AM MDT

  • 10778
    I'm ok.  Kind of trying to ration food a bit.  They say our local stores are empty.  There are now 3 cases of the virus in this town.
      March 24, 2020 9:47 AM MDT