Ya got states in various stages of LOCKDOWN. You have NO IDEA how many people will be tested and found infected. You have no idea how many of them will die. You have no idea of how many health care workers will be sidelined due tp the disease.
But well he** what matters to the HOAX is the economy stupid because it is what he bases his value on. The sooner those numbers go way higher the sooner he can start breathing again.
With a bazillion people OUT OF WORK because business are closed and those still open (restaurants) doing TAKEOUT ONLY and gatherin together in any numbers is now illegal how does the HOAX get the economy started up with NO WORKERS NO JOBS NO MARKET? Anyone?
The lamebrain dumbhead clearly has no grasp of how an economy works. Congrats to y'all for electing a clueless dumbbell. Good job.