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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » While some REPUBACCAN sineters were agreeing with the HOAX that Covid 19 was a hoax they were dumping millions of bucks worth of stock. WHY?

While some REPUBACCAN sineters were agreeing with the HOAX that Covid 19 was a hoax they were dumping millions of bucks worth of stock. WHY?

Because they KNEW DAM* WELL IT WAS NO HOAX. The only hoax was President HOAX a fabulously stupid dumb hilarious folksy jokester. These SOB money hungry queerly peculiars and peculiarly queers were making money off the upcoming DEATHS of American citizens going along publicly with the wackadoodle crackpot nutjob but privately lining their nest with blood money.

A democrat too or more than one.  A pox on their houses. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

Those who KNEW it was real and deadly but bullsh** lied anyway just to a**kiss the larda** prez. And here we are today. Aren't we having fun? Dam* straight y'all had better get your a**es out and about everywhere in multitudes or there will be HE** to pay because the larda** president insists on it. Okey dokey? Okey dokey. You've got until Easter to get your a**es out there. Party hearty. Attend all his HATE rallies that he will start doing again immediately because he is your mentor your role model your chosen one your GOD.
Cram town halls.
Cram your local political rally centers
Cram all the closed small buildings you can.

Make SURE you wear his BUILD THE WALL hats. The SEND HER BACK hats. The LOCK HER UP hats. The HOAX IS GOD hats. He insists on seeing it on your heads 24/7. He is watching you. He will come after you. Roll over lie down beg whimper. Show him how very loyal you are. Assure him it is all FAKE NEWS. Including him. FAKE as they come is the number one and number two. THE HOAX is all the colors of the rainbow all the numbers in the universes all the everything there ever was will be and is. Got it?

Posted - March 25, 2020
