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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The HOAX has the attention span of a maggot. He has moved on from COVID 19 to the economy. He will do nothing more to "help". Why should he?

The HOAX has the attention span of a maggot. He has moved on from COVID 19 to the economy. He will do nothing more to "help". Why should he?

His every living moment is now devoted to getting churches filled by easter, people back at work waking up the economy production lines roaring restaurtants filled to capacity airlines booked to capacity cruise ships booked to capacity. That's a lot to work on. He doesn't have time for YESTERDAY'S NEWS. He knows how to priotitize.

COVID 19 is on its own all alone from now on. The larda** did all he could..better than anyone anywhere..and no one kissed his a** or told him what a great job he did. He doesn't need that lack of gratitude/appreciation or the contempt disdain with which the world views him. So he will go off and do what he really enjoys..make money. Goose the stockmarket.

Posted - March 25, 2020
