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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Larda** has moved on. Today he MOCKS Mitt Romney and COVIDE 19. Back to his own sweet self spewing HATE! The BEST US prez ever! RIGHT ON?

Larda** has moved on. Today he MOCKS Mitt Romney and COVIDE 19. Back to his own sweet self spewing HATE! The BEST US prez ever! RIGHT ON?

Said Mitt is a terrible senator and was a very bad presidentical candidate but larda** sez even though Mitt is RINO he likes him a lot! This is your larda** HOAX at his very BEST ignoring COVID 19 completely. By the way the US will be the core center of COVIDE 19 worldwide. But larda** won't even notice. He is done with it. Back to attacking insulting lying about his ENEMIES of whom there are getting way manier than ever before. HE collects very proudly.  Gives him something today besides lolling in his jammies in bed eating cheeseburgers, beautiful chocolate cake with two scoops of ice cream, watch FAUX news and repeating/retweeting what they tell him to think. Planning more hate rallies. He doesn't sleep as it is because well his schedule is so full of himself.

How long will it take Y'all to move beyond COVID 19? Or have ya already?

The teleprompter LARDA** is a robotic automaton. A FAKE. A HOAX. SCRIPTED by others. It is painfully obvious that larda** feels constricted and limited and confined. Once he is done reading the scripted words of others he lets loose and become the lousy SOB he always was and now his tweets are definitely sounding like HE IS BACK! Who is next? First Mitt Romney. Now larda** has thousands of enemies. I don't think he prioritizes him. Which one hits his brain is the one he attacks. No particular order sequence weight. Diarrhea of the mouth 24/7 off teleprompter. The real deal. The person adoring worshippers plans to never abandn and are willing to die for. To die for. Funny.

Posted - March 25, 2020
