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How can I make playing ADC more fun in League of Legends?

Well, I think the role is pretty fun on its own, but there are certainly ways to spice things up. Be careful about trying these in competitive play, though; people like to keep things safe there.

1 - Try non-traditional champions. ADC simply stands for AD Carry, a champion who specializes in dealing with physical damage. This means that melee carries like Master YI and Tryndamere can technically fit the bill, even though bot is not their optimal placement. This works best if the support is your friend and can coordinate with you

2 - Use a more aggressive champion. One reason you may be bored is that you are playing safer champions like Caitlyn or Ashe. Try going with more aggressive champions, like Vayne, Draven, or Twitch.

3 - Pair up with aggressive support. Bot is always more fun when aggressive supports like Leona, Volibear, or Blitzcrank are in play. Again, this works best if the support is a friend you can voice chat with.

In competitive, you may often find yourself playing safer options and staying more defensive in the bot in order to secure your farming and avoid being ganked. If you get bored of that, you can always just get a League of Legends rank boost. Click here if you’d like to learn more.

Posted - March 28, 2020


  • 17641
    You are presenting like DanniPetty.  
      March 29, 2020 10:36 PM MDT