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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If true as some insist that GOD put HIS stamp of approval on HOAX and supports everything HOAX does/says I will reassess my beliefs. YOU?

If true as some insist that GOD put HIS stamp of approval on HOAX and supports everything HOAX does/says I will reassess my beliefs. YOU?

Obviously I am an ordinary human being who knows very little to nothing. I could be completely wrong about everything including the nature of GOD.

If in fact GOD did send HOAX to succor evangelicals/republicans then the adoring worshippers have no choice but to adoringly worship him. GOD doesn't make junk. GOD is purposeful. GOD is omnicient omnipotent omnipresent. No lowly human being can fathom the mind of GOD.

But we do have our opinions of HIM.

For me a GOD who would inflict a HOAX upon us would be evil. How can GOD be evil but how can GOD support approve condone embrace anything done or said by the HOAX? T'is a puzzlement.

In these days where all our lives are at rsk the HOAX henchmen are out and about insulting attacking their perceived enemies on behalf of HOAX. They pay no attention to what is going on around them. Their only goal is vengeance to avenge to harm to take down to sabotage. As if nothing has changed they carry on the sameoldsameoldsameold scripted partyline mantra dogma. Perhaps hoping HOAX will notice them? I dunno. But it is shocking that every day you encounter them saying the insulting hurtful things over and over and over and over. They live in a time warp bubble of alternate reality. Or maybe they are the "angels" GOD sent to protect HOAX. Anything is possible.

Posted - April 1, 2020
