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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "The government is not the HOAX. The government is DR. FAUCI." Who ya gonna listen to when HOAX starts saying what Fauci has been saying?

"The government is not the HOAX. The government is DR. FAUCI." Who ya gonna listen to when HOAX starts saying what Fauci has been saying?

Poor babies. Y'all were so dam* sure y'all knew truth because HOAX told you what truth was.

NOW he flips on you 180 degrees and he expect you to flip too. Why should you? Why would you? How can you?

You know better. you know what FAUX news has been promulgating for months.  Are ya gonna turn your back on hannity and rushbaugh the laura dr woman too? Shame on you. Wishy washy. Hang tough. Stay true. Don't believe a word HOAX is telling you now because that means you lost THREE MONTHS of protecting yourself because he told you too. Why would he want to set you up to die?

Whatcha gonna do now chickypoos? Whatcha gonna do now?

Posted - April 1, 2020
