The itch of a snitch mitch tried to GUT/DEFUND a CDC program that dealt with detecting and respondig to INFECTIOUS DISEASE OUTBREAKIS!
Yep your very own son of an itch was acting as THE ANGEL OF DEATH. He failed but gotta give him kudos for busting his arse don'tcha?
Another one who prioritizes and knows what's matters and what matters not.
Lard benches with right-wing racist judges
Refuse to bring any legislation to the floor for a vote that will in any way help anyone BUT THE WEALTHY
Dour sour his way through his do nothing reign as king of the senate. A more donothing nothing has never been there before him. GOD willing there will never be another son of itch in any capacity but latrine scourer forevermore.
His wife is no better than he is. She lards her personal business interests with money she steals from the gubment. She lards Kentucky with gifts of transportation projects so her hubby dearest can brag about all the projects he brings to the state. She is a real winner that one. A dynamic duo of ugly hate and greed all in one package.
Avert your eyes. Do not gaze upon them. You will be petrified.