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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The white house entertainer is embarked on a TWO-PRONGED attack. A COVID 19 task force and an ECONOMIC RECOVERY task force. His fave?

The white house entertainer is embarked on a TWO-PRONGED attack. A COVID 19 task force and an ECONOMIC RECOVERY task force. His fave?

The white house entertainer has the attention span of a retarded gnat. He is BORED already with the virus thingy and has developed an ANXIOUS ANXIETY to move on to what gets him off..making money! That he can focus on for more than a minit. That's where his heart (if he had one) and soul (don't get me started on THAT) would be if he owned either one.

He will be excited and delighted and hyper and joyful and happy and in heaven thinking about all that money that will be going back into his bank accounts.

Who can blame him? He grew up praying to the god of money by his father's side. You are what you learn. He is only that. Nothing more. Not his fault. Blame papa Fred. The white house entertainer is not responsible for anything he ever did or ever said. He is an innocent lamb pure of heart pure as the driven snow. A sacrificial lamb of those who envy him. He is after all so much of everything there is to be in life.

Posted - April 14, 2020
