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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "TRUMP SUSPENDS WHO* FUNDS OVER PANDEMIC". Who will suspend him for his abject willful disregard for TWO MONTHS?

"TRUMP SUSPENDS WHO* FUNDS OVER PANDEMIC". Who will suspend him for his abject willful disregard for TWO MONTHS?

*World Health Organization

Who will CONDEMN him for the wasted time and wasted mockery the wasted rhetoric the wasted ridicule the dull impotent incontinent incoherent insanity he represented from early January WHEN HE WAS WARNED WHAT WAS COMING and chose to not only ignore it but ridicule it and lie about it?

LIVES LOST on his watch DUE TO HIS HOAXY JOKEY FOLKSY slapsy maxsy vile evil donothing lazy bas**rd approach.

WHO SUSPENDS HIM and punishes him for the blood on his hands? GOD ultimately but right now he insists his name be printed on the virus checks. He wants credit for everything all the time but refuses the DEBIT of the death his indifference caused. Who pays him back for THAT? GOD. I know. But what about right now? What happens right now to the white house entertainer who is the pus in our lives that must excised? He is a murderer.

Posted - April 15, 2020
