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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The ILLOGIC of it is astonishing yet illustrative of the problem. The repubbacans say they want objective independence in judges. Really?

The ILLOGIC of it is astonishing yet illustrative of the problem. The repubbacans say they want objective independence in judges. Really?

If that is TRUE why have they LARDED the benches countrywide with EXTREME RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE JUDGES and BRAGGED ABOUT DOING SO? Check with the son of an itch.

Why do they eye Ruth BG and wish her harm so they can replace her with yet another EXTREME RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE PARTISAN BIASED fairminded objective independent judge? Why indeed?

Because they lie that's why. They deny and lie and deny and lie and keep appointing consenting to more and more extreme right-wing conservative judges.

Independence and objectivity my a**! Whatta gas. What laughs. You ARE laughing aren't you?

See what I mean? They don't even realize what they are.

EXTREME RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE "judge" who will decide everytime to please the white house entertainer and his ilk of mediocre "thinkers".

No one can help being stupid dumb. It cannot be cured. .


Lard the benches with more "objective independent" judges.Continue "thinking" you want only independent objective fairminded judges. Sure you do.

Posted - April 15, 2020
