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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Nice work if you can get it. The gut/arse white house performer plans to take all the credit for getting the country back to work. BUT?

Nice work if you can get it. The gut/arse white house performer plans to take all the credit for getting the country back to work. BUT?

He has manipulated it so that none of the blame or debit for exploding rates of contraction and death caused by his "open sesaming". Nifty trick. Nice work if you can get. Great con if you can pull it over on everyone.

Of course you can't. He won't. More transmission more deaths more diesease neverending.

The gut/arse white house perormer is the "gift" that keeps on giving. Long after he is dead we will be living with the results of his handiwork. To live in infamy is his lot in life and in death. He deserves all of it.

Posted - April 17, 2020
