Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How many of you would actually VOTE for an honest politician like Jimmy Stewart depicted in "Mr Smith goes to Washington"?

How many of you would actually VOTE for an honest politician like Jimmy Stewart depicted in "Mr Smith goes to Washington"?

I know GAG voters much prefer liars and thieves and cheats and bums. They adore GAG getting away with whatever he can whenever he can for however long he can. They love being "screwed" by him. The more he lies and takes advantage of the power he has accorded himself the happier they are with him. Go figger.

But more of us DISLIKE GAG than like him so I'm asking you who cannot stand GAG would YOU VOTE FOR AN HONEST POLITICIAN if one existed and were available?

Posted - April 22, 2020


  • 34962
    I have not seen it. But we did get to send a local businessman to Congress a few years back. I was very excited when that happened. I have been 95% happy with his votes.

      April 22, 2020 6:35 AM MDT