To always be honest. Always tell the truth. Never lie. Because covering up was going to be much worse for them than admitting what they did. And we followed through with it.
I don't see how telling the truth/honesty is even mentioned today. The "role models" are caught in lies 24/7 and no one says diddly. In fact the liars are obsessively defended by insisting they didn't lie. It seems among some it is a conspiracy to promulgate untruths. It is the current medium of exchange.
What are children supposed to think when they see adults engaging in lying and other adults defending the lies? I don't know but I think it's not easy to be the child of such folks. Is that a great good the parents are doing? Modeling obsession? Making the ungood the only good?
How much untruth can a brain be forced to accept as truth before the brain loses all functionality?
Once the brain is inundated with belief in untruth can it ever be reclaimed? Deprogrammed? Is the cult of lies so strong that once in you can never extricate yourself?