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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » New York Governor Cuomo's daily update vis a vis COVID 19 was particularly wonderful Thursday. Why?

New York Governor Cuomo's daily update vis a vis COVID 19 was particularly wonderful Thursday. Why?

He always tells it like it is. He CASTIGATED pols who partisan politicked and ramped up the vicious vile venal insults and attacks on "the other".

Grow up. Man up. Woman up. Get over the partisan particulates of puerile paucity lacking HUMANITY.. Now is not the time to come to the aid of the partisan party. Now is the time to come to the aid of the country and the people.

What's wrong with y'all that you delight in this tragedy and rub salt in the wound and defend the actuators and activator of exacerbation? It is YOUR country and the folks dying/suffering ARE YOUR PEOPLE. Sheesh. At a time like this such bad actors on stage.

Grow up. Man up. Woman up. Get a grip. Do the right thing. Not on your schedule? Too busy enjoying yourself? SIGH.

Posted - April 24, 2020
