Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » That son of an itch talks out of his butt! WHAT?

That son of an itch talks out of his butt! WHAT?

For each $1 Kentucky gives to the federal government it gets back $2.61 in federal government welfare spending. It is the second MOST DEPENDENT STATE with its hands out on the dole from the feds. The son of am itch doesn't know that? What else is he stupid dumb about?

By contrast
New York paid to the federal government $26.6 BILLION MORE IN TAXES than the fed gubment paid out on its behalf! New York pays the most to the fed gubment and gets the least back.

So the son of itch is about as stupid dumb as they come. Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance isn't what the son of an itch. He is stupid dumb for not knowing that talking about states going bankrupt target his state. Great!

The son of an itch and GAG have that in common. They pull out of their butts what they say believing folks will believe them. Giess what? The gaggle and the toady sycophants do. And so it goes.

Posted - April 25, 2020
