Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » FRIENDS! The longer you knew them the stronger the frienship! Now? You reach out and what you get back is DRECK. Anyone know why?

FRIENDS! The longer you knew them the stronger the frienship! Now? You reach out and what you get back is DRECK. Anyone know why?

Obviously that "friendship" wasn't a two-way street at all. Who knew? Why do some friendships follow logical and sane and become stronger over time and others wither and disappear? Because they NEVER WERE?

Posted - April 27, 2020


  • 10771

    Even the strongest of friendships can wither. 

    We like to think that friendships will last a lifetime, especially strong friendships.  Sadly, that’s not always the case.   Why?  Because situations change.  For example, many friendships people had in high school fade a few years after they graduate.  Fiancés come along, then marriage, then a family, then moving to another city or state for a good job….  Time, distance and priorities – 3 things that can end a friendship.  While some friendships last through this, many don’t. 

    Change is a constant in life.   Our bodies change, our minds change, our interests change, even our concerns change.   Things such as disease, trauma, financial, emotional, (etc.) can initiate changes as   they affect each person differently.  Sometimes a person isn’t even aware that they’re changing (such as with Alzheimer’s or dementia).  All these can take a toll on a friendship – intentionally or not.   

    Honest communication is vital in any friendship.  If one thinks their friendship is ebbing, they should ask the other person about it.   Being bitter about it won’t help.  If one feels that asking is intrusive, or if they want to wait for the other to act first, then they may lose the friendship.  No matter what, a person must be honest about the situation.  If the other no longer desires the friendship, then dissolve it mutually and respectfully (no blame).   It may not stop the hurt, but it can help ease the wondering.

      April 27, 2020 12:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    After reading your very thoughtful and EXTREMELY KIND reply it made me feel like I did when I was a kid and asked my dad "why are people so mean"? He gave me a very thoughtful and very kind reply which basically was that most people do the best they can and some people's best is better than others. So thank you for that Shuhak. Everything you said is true. I just forgot and so thank you for the reminder delivered in such an understanding way. You could have said "quitcher bitchin" but that's not your style so you didn't. Happy Tuesday. Oh did you receive your April California Climate Control Credit for electricity? Ours was $37! I wonder if otner states have such things? I'm going to ask! :)
      April 28, 2020 1:27 AM MDT

  • 10771
    I haven't received my PG&E bill yet.
      April 28, 2020 9:32 AM MDT