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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What's the best way to mitigate the deleterious effects of climate change? How about mitigating GAD and the Gaggle the same way?

What's the best way to mitigate the deleterious effects of climate change? How about mitigating GAD and the Gaggle the same way?

I mean GAG suggested injecting disinfectants in human bodies to mitigate COVID 19. That's like drinking poison you know but then GAG is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Never was. Never will be. The best thing he could do when he comes up with these brainstorm ideas is to test them out in real time so we can see if what he says could work might work on him!

That's putting your money where your mouth is bigshot! if he drank a cup of Chlorox on the podium and dropped dead then well he would have saved some lives to offset the lives he cost by his hoaxy ridicule and mocking indifference for TWO MONTHS.

Make amends. But don't prevent him from being the guinea pig he was meant to be and  make him try out on himself every wilda** dumbhead thing that creeps into and out of his head. Why not? What could it hurt? Maybe something would work! Just think what a hero he would be. Why we could give him a novel virus prize..close enough to Nobel that he won't know the difference. Or throw him a pardon or pulitzer prize or a medal like he gave rushbaugh the haw haw dumbjaw comedian? Everyone says GAG deserves a medal or prize or award or something worthy of his accomplishments.

Being a GUINEA PIG would be the very best thing for him. A great fit. Try it out on him. Great idea don'tcha think? Why hasn't someone thought of that already?

Posted - April 28, 2020
