Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Per Governor Cuomo Germany relaxed it's rules and in ten days the infection rate went up. Is that what Y'all want here? More virus death?
Well the red states with the red state robotic automaton gubners should open up completely and let whatever happens happen. No skin off their noses. Gotta please GAG above all else. Sitting on the sidelines as we are knowing what's coming is inevitable. Why are some insistent on remaining stupid dumb? Oh. Well unless they are. That can't be helped. They were born that way. Poor dears. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
Germany began relaxing their rules on Apr 20...today is 29th and we would not have stats for today. So at the most we are looking at 8 days. The virus takes a min of 5 days incubation. So at most you have 3 days data of possible increases. On Apr 19 (day before their relaxing) they had 2,018 new cases... 20...13xx, 21=1388, 23= 2,481 25= 1,514 26=1,257 27=988 28=1,154 Only 147 so far today....29th
I would not worry yet.
(My numbers are from worldometers.com) I did miss 2 days 22nd and 24th.
Numbers still on the downward trajectory.
This post was edited by my2cents at April 29, 2020 10:38 PM MDT