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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » GAG is a numbers guy. To him all American citizens are numbers, not individual human beings. He doesn't like the numbers he sees. Why?

GAG is a numbers guy. To him all American citizens are numbers, not individual human beings. He doesn't like the numbers he sees. Why?

Not because they represent suffering and dying and death. Only because they reflect very poorly on him.

His poll numbers are TANKING
The numbers of infected and dead are RISING
The economy is in shatters
His campaign for re-election is petrified

He looks for sympathy and fewer and fewer are there to provide it to him. You cannot activate a conspiracy of one. You need multiple gullibles to believe it too. Some of his gullibles are abandoning him. Why? Because they are suffering bigly economically and healthwise and he keeps ranting and raving about how wonderful a job he has done. Everything is always about him not them. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer so it has taken them a very long tortuous time to finally comprehend exactly what he is. Too bad they weren't smarter sooner. But you know life isn't always what you wish it were.

So there he is all alone an island of his own ranting raving raging at his staff for his demise. Everything is their fault. All of it. Poor boy. No one cares that he is drowning. He insisted on doing things his way. He ignored advice from people who once upon a time cared about him. He repaid them with attacks insults blame . His style..

Posted - May 1, 2020
