Pick a number. Any number. Get one from your gut or pull one out of your arse the same way Pumpkina** does. I don't care. Whichever is most dependable.
So meanwhile back at the ranch Pumpkina** cheerleads all the states that are eagerly OPENING UP and FREEING up all the red state extreme sports engagers. Let em run wild. Let him hug and kiss and whatever jammed shoulder to shoulder everywhere. Explosion of HUGE crowds doing what they want to do middle fingering the rest of us loudly and proudly.
In the real world more cases more dying MULTIPLYING. In Pumpkina**land everything is coming up roses. Don't worry we got your back.
In February Pumpkina** said it would all magically go away.
Today he admits 100,000 could die
Even so even though he keeps TOUTING FREEDOM AND OPENING UP AND GETTING BACK TO WHAT MATTER MOST OR ONLIEST TO PIG. He has to win re-election and everything he does/says is about him and that is the name of that tune and nothing else exists for him. He doesn't mourn or grieve. He doesn't even pretend. He just goes on attacking insulting and a**patting his own arse and y'all keep enabling him and encouraging hm and backing him
What is WRONG with this picture? Nuttin' honey. Everything is swell as he** cuz Pumpkina** sez so. Only listen to him. He is the sole fountain of TRUTH. BELIEVE
Meanwhile the rest of us cry as more people die. Y'all don't even notice or care. Y'all are minihims. SIGH..