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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does Pumpkina** ever sleep or does he only ever simply tweet? He was rage tweeting at 1am this morning. ABOUT WHAT?

Does Pumpkina** ever sleep or does he only ever simply tweet? He was rage tweeting at 1am this morning. ABOUT WHAT?

About the "MOURNING IN AMERICA" ad created by the anti-Pumpkina** Republican group including George Conway and other very intelligent former Republicans. Yes. INTELLIGENCE does exist among FORMER Republicans. To the extent that they advocate voting for a DEMOCRAT.

RAGE TWEETING at 1am in the morning. This is how Pumpkina** spends his time all alone in that big bedroom. Always all alone all alone all alone. So what does he do? TWEET. He knows his adoring worshippers will be wide awake with him just waiting for him ro BARF about his latest target of hate. All they have to do is wait. Then the upchuck begins and well it doesn't accelerates multiplies promulgates.

A worthy endeavor for such a critter as that. WHAT ELSE should he be doing at that hour? Worrying about the state of the nation? Worry about the citizens of the country? Worrying about how ordinary people can support their families? Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman!

Furious at how he is portrayed? Furious at the lack of a**kissing 24/7? Furious at being MOCKED RIDICULED?

Take a SWAG. C'mon. Y'all are way smart. Take a SWAG.

Posted - May 5, 2020
