It is estimated that that by 2022 $166 BILLION a year will be spent on beauty products.
Allegedly on average women spend $3,756 per year or about $225,360 lifetime trying to prettify themselves.
Allegedly on average men spend $2,928 a year similarly self-involved.
Then there is what is called SELF-IMPROVEMENT thingies. $10 BILLION a year is spent on that.
Self self self. Me me me. Fops and Popinjays. Appearance is all important.
People sell themselves everyday. The prettier/handsomer among them get more attention. So of course the lifelong quest is to be noticed wanted admired purchased.
Now if we weren't so dam*ed enthralled with our outsides might we do better improving our insides?
How about brain/mind maintenance? Who does that? What about honor integrity justice truth? No one cares any longer about any of that.
Power is all. Do anything to get that. WHY?
Living a life that is so self-centered doesn't seem to me to be why we are here.