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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I don't know the answer yet. I don't know what lies ahead. I wonder which DISASTER will have been the very worst I ever lived through?

I don't know the answer yet. I don't know what lies ahead. I wonder which DISASTER will have been the very worst I ever lived through?

Right now I say da big cheese is the by far the worst.

I remember world war 2 in terms of hearing President Roosevelt speak of a day that will live in infamy. Pearl Harbor. I was born in 1937 and that was 1941. I remember that day very well and hearing his words on the radio. My mom began to weep. I knew something very bad had happened. It is engraved inside my brain.

I remember rationing. We gave up butter to build guns. Having what was needed to bake a cake was rare. Women (Rosy the riveter) went to work as men went to war. We were all in this together and took pride in it. We did not blame one another. No time for that. We had a war to win and those who stayed at home were part of that war effort.

9/11 was terrible but I live in California so it was far away. We were all in this together and the world embraced us. For a time. The president we had then was a different one than we have now. He stood up and said words that were comforting. Subsequently he lied and got us into an unnecessary war which we are still fighting. SIGH.

Da Big Cheese. We know he is a disaster but we do know what the proportion of it is. We can't know the end when we are in the middle.So far he is the very worst. I may have to change that later on.

COVID 19. Well of course Jim and I are both in the high-risk group and our lifestyles have changed dramatically and we are still alive so we will continue that despite what surrounds us. We value life contrary to da big cheese and his ilk. We do not wish to sacrifice ourselves to make him richer or his ilk. So we won't.

Next disaster hasn't happened yet but it will. So the list is not complete. Not yet. Do you have a list of disasters you've lived through?

Posted - May 6, 2020
