Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In America we have what is called A SHELL GAME gubment. You know how it's played right? Where's the pea/bean? Now you see it now you don't?

In America we have what is called A SHELL GAME gubment. You know how it's played right? Where's the pea/bean? Now you see it now you don't?

Scam artists. Con artists. Snake oil salesmen. Sleight of hand. Divert distract redirect. 24/7 that's the con that's been in control in the United States of America since January 2017.

The cons change but the game remains the same.

Amazingly some adore that game and keep trying to guess what they did with the pea/bean. Endlessly entertaining. They never tire of it.

Ever play it? Still do?

Are you a fan of carnivals? Sideshows?  What they used to call "FREAKS"? That is what we have had since January 2017. A traveling circus came to town and stayed and spread and grew and engulfed and overwhelmed. It consumes more and more of its surroundings. Like a cancer that we see metastasizing and there is apparently nothing we can do to stop the spread. It will stop when we are all dead.

Posted - May 9, 2020
