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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Chutzpah is an amazing thing. Some homo saps reek of it while others have never exhibited it. Of what value is CHUTZPAH?

Chutzpah is an amazing thing. Some homo saps reek of it while others have never exhibited it. Of what value is CHUTZPAH?

Are homo saps the only animals that exhibit CHUZPAH?

What other animals are supercilious arrogant condescending patronizing? Or need to be according to their philosophy?

I wonder what the first person who had lots CHUTZPAH CHUTAPAHED about? What could it have been? It could have been for anything I expect. Bigger muscles. Handsome face. Lots of kills.

We see animal documentares showing males are always fighting to the death to gain power.

Inborn need to VANQUISH the other to have the female to itself? Or to fight for food to survive?

Protecting the young is usual but I think there are some species that literally will eat their own. Humans do it all the time figuratively.

Posted - May 9, 2020
