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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When will da big cheese get back his MOJO and start his rallies up again in every city of every state? It's getting way late isn't it?

When will da big cheese get back his MOJO and start his rallies up again in every city of every state? It's getting way late isn't it?

A hate rally is heading your way and soon.

Better be.

How many cities are there to rally in and how many months/days are there left? It will require doubling up on rallies. Two a day or three in every city starting when? Time's a wasting. Daylight's a wastin'. Get it on and soon or all will be lost.

What's it gonna take for da big cheese to get up and rolling? The audience is a sure thing. No worries there. What's the holdup? The very best way to role model OPENING THE COUNTRY is the campaign rallies.

What could be better? Coming to your neighborhood. Hopefully soon.

Posted - May 9, 2020
